Saturday, July 18, 2015


The internet has fondly started a rave about #Goals and we're all hyped up about it. But what I thought is what are your real goals? I mean except for #EyebrowGoals, #RelationshipGoals or #FriendshipGoals. Why not, #DreamGoals like #ProfessionGoals or #MindsetGoals ? I don't know why we are all into something that can't be ours or us. Why don't we celebrate what we have? Except posting photos of some random girl and saying, " #BodyGoal" Why don't we post our own photo and say, "#LoveYourselfGoals". We have been a generation of judgmental minds, and whatever we see on the internet or on the TV or magazines, that is what's right! That will be our #RealGoals! To be the same exact replica of that skinny girl you saw on the magazine! I am so tired of trying to be perfect, like our generation's definition of beautiful. I'd rather be ugly or basic, than starve myself to death just to look perfect for others. My point here is, we see a differently wrong #Goals. Because honestly our kind of goals now are trying to slowly kill us mentally and physically. Why don't we re-think our way of seeing things! Try a different perspective.

PS: #PostGoals
PPS: Why don't we all be Margot Spielberg instead?? "It's a paper town, paper houses and paper people" -Margo Roth

Love, Isha.