credits to the owner |

* Be Consistent- In whatever you do consistency is key. Never start good then spiraling down slowly.
* Be advance - Always be 10 steps ahead of everyone else. Doing this will give you so much credits at School.
* Be late and absent for a valid reason- Never skip class for no apparent reason.
* Be positive- having a positive outlook about everything just makes everything work.
* Be planned- planning ahead of time is good for you to keep track of all the things you'll need to do.
* Be friendly- I know socializing is hard (most especially if you're new in class) but you gotta have to do it.
*Don't forget to eat- Eat before going to school, while at school and after school. Starving yourself won't help your brain process and it'll be hard for you to think.
*Be neat and clean- nothing more attracting than a neat looking school girl right?

* Be happy and thankful- always be thankful that you're in school learning to have a better future because some kids out there wants so badly to be in your position. Never waste the opportunity,
But whatever happens just enjoy School it exist to help you for your future. Cherish every moment 'cause you're only there once.
Love, Isha

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